Friday, November 11, 2011

Some drawings and prints
2009  Under the Storey Bridge   21 x 29cm  ink on paper
2011 Uncle David's Chair   17 x 12cm  ink on paper
2011  The Repository  21 x 15cm  ink on paper

2011  Stacked High  20 x 12cm  ink on paper

2011  Some of the pile   20 x 15cm  ink on paper
2011  Self Portrait  28 x 21cm  monotype print on paper
2011  Celebration  21 x 14cm  woodcut print on paper
2011 Artist Book of  Monotype prints closed
2011 Artist Book of Monotype Prints opened

2008  Vespers  90 x 45cm  Acrylic on canvas

2009  The Cave  29 x 21cm  acrylic on paper
2009  Passing  90 x 45cm  acrylic on canvas
2010  Crysanths   29 x 21cm  Acrylic on paper
2010  Cityscape  29 x 21cm  acrylic on canvas board
2010  Eternal Optimist  75 x 60  acrylic on canvas
2011  The Cove  21 x 28cm acrylic on paper
2011  Magic Carpet Ride  60 x 75cm  acrylic on canvas

2011  It's Lovely!  28 x 21cm  acrylic on paper
2011  At the duck Pond  21 x 28cm  watercolour on paper

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The latest finishes

Beside Still Waters 45 x 90cm acrylic

Cycle of Seasons 45 x 90cm acrylic

Precipice 90 x 45cm acrylic

Coming and Going 60 x 50cm acrylic
These are just about the last to be completed this semester. Now the big question is what will make it into the exhibition.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

These are the small watercolours of stones, pebbles, rocks that I plan to exhibit in a group of twelve. There are 11 completed so far but I plan to complete 3 more so that the final choice can be a little selective.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Young concerns

Started the first of the 'personal statement' paintings for Sally's class. am concentrating on my concerns for my teenage and young twenties grandchildren. Hence the teenage drinking. Plan is to explore lack of organisation, eg. bedrooms, and consumerism. Am finding the painting of the drinkers very tedious. all those fiddly little figures! Just when I had fallen in love with the grand sweeping brush stroke. I will grit my teeth and keep going 'cause it seems to be saying what I want it to.

I've titled this 'My Cup Runneth Over'.

This is 'To Lie Down in Green Pastures', a comment on disorganisation and lack of focus.

Eventually this will be 'I Shall Not Want' a comment on indiscriminate consumerism.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Emerging Artist

It is finished! Well, unless I decide it isn't which seems to be a disease common among artists. I have titled it 'Emerging Artist' since it evokes the Biblical creation myth of Adam being formed from the earth. It also refers to early human creativity.

This is called 'Eve' to pair it with Adam in 'Emerging Artist'. Again, the idea of emerging from the earth but this has the emergence of technology with the wheel.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I have been exploring my origins or whatever the beginning of being an artist was for me. I promise not to go into how I won a prize for colouring in when I was 4.
34 years ago I painted this. Oils, 40 x 50 cm. Max Meldrum's 'Science of Appearances' was my flavour of the month at the time. I was very proud of this and I still like it.
15 years ago I was into still life and people.I'd discovered acrylics by then and was still painting about the same size. 31/2 years ago, in the cerificate 111 course, things like this happened.Acrylic, oil and watercolour, a bit smaller.
Then in first year things seemed to shrink or else expand. still pots and people but a little looser.Still oil and acrylic but I'd discovered charcoal and pastel.

Last year was VERY organic. Tim Maguire was the big influence even if I thought his very mechanical and technical way of producing his masterpieces was somehow cheating. I also finally grasped that accidents were often happy occurrences leading to quite exciting conclusions. Canvases were increasing in size and I'd reached the conclusion that oil paints were more trouble than they were worth.

This year I experimented with fabric grounds and impasto medium. I also used oils again but still think they are very annoying. I wasn't all that thrilled with the results but I am fond of the dame.
I saw the Turner to Monet landscape exhibition in Canberra at Easter and fell in love with the German landscape painters. I love their dense colour and strong shapes. Caspar David Freidrich was mind blowing.

James Guppy is a present favourite. I found his work on the internet and love it. It combines strength, graceful organic shape and wonderful colour - all I aspire to. I live in hope.